Sep 4 – 8, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


To introduce "Principles of light microscopy" to people who work or start to work in the field of light microscopy. The course will be very practically oriented, such that it might also help practically experienced microscopy users or image processing people who never had any formal microscopy training before. People, who have a good education in physics or computer science but never touched a microscope in practice might also profit from this course.

Registration deadline: Monday, 14 August 2024

The number of participants is limited to 20 DIPP predocs.

Please register only if you are able to participate in the complete course (full time).

We will inform you as soon as possible after the deadline (and not later than August 21st) whether a slot in the LMF course could be assigned to you!

Seminar Room 1+2
Fetscherstraße 105
Go to map

TEACHERS: The course will be taught by experts from the Light Microscopy Facilities of CMCB, B CUBE and PoL, as well as BiA of PoL

CONTENT: The course will cover

  1. Basics of bright field microscopy.
  2. Contrast techniques (phase contrast, DIC, dark field, polarized light, basics of fluorescence). 
  3. Digital imaging using scientific cameras (CCD, sCMOS) will be covered along with a very basic introduction to confocal microscopy and other optical sectioning methods. Please see a more detailed overview of the course topics under "Scientific Program".

As the course concentrates on "principles of microscopy”, we would like to point out that advanced imaging applications such high performance confocal, 2-photon, FRAP, FRET, FLIM, TIRF and super resolution light microscopy will be shortly addressed on the last day of the course.

STRUCTURE: Theoretical parts will be followed by practical "hands on" sessions at teaching microscopes. If the Corona situation allows it, we plan to keep a ratio of two students per teaching microscope. Local tutors will help during these sessions. During practical parts and demonstrations we will form small subgroups of students working together with teachers.