WHAT IS "Ask the Experts"?
It is an opportunity to learn the point of view and experience of experts in different topics related to scientific life and career. It aims to promote the exchange of ideas and encourage discussion on those relevant topics. Each meeting is given a theme, such as "Coping with Frustration," "Career Opportunities in Science," "Family and Science," "Working as a Facility Leader," etc.
"Ask the Experts" takes place twice a year and is open to any DIPP doctoral student who signed up before hand.
The theme of this event will be "Science Communication and Open Access". Registration is open until Wednesday, 11 May.
We count with four fantastic Speakers (please see also PDFs below):
Science Communication:
Laura Celotto (DIPP predoc at CRTD)
Laura was born in Italy where she studied Neuroscience at the University of Triest. She is currently finishing her PhD in retina regeneration in zebrafish in Prof. Michael Brand Group at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD). In parallel with her PhD studies, she writes for the preLights community by The Company of Biologists and is currently finding out her future plans, mainly stepping towards science communication. She likes writing, reading and acting in her spare time.
Dr. Magdalena Gonciarz (PR Officer at the CMCB and DIPP alumna)
Magdalena is the PR Officer at the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) at TU Dresden. Magda holds a Ph.D. in molecular cell biology. She has worked at CAST PHARMA, a creative agency, where she produced training and marketing materials for the world’s largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies. With more than 10 years of experience in science communication, she now leads the development and implementation of strategic communication plans, manages media relations, and oversees the production of high-quality content for various communication channels at the B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD.
Open Access:
Dr. Robert Haase (DIPP GL at PoL)
Robert studied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Dresden, and joined the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus at TU Dresden for his doctoral studies on artificial swarm intelligence for image segmentation in cancer research. After post-doctoral work in the Scientific Computing Facility and in Gene Myers’ lab at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, he established his group for Bio-image Analysis Technology Development at the DFG Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life (PoL) at TU Dresden. His group focuses on giving advanced computing and image data science methods into the hands of biologists and biophysicists to enable them to gain deeper insights into the Physics of Life.
Michele Marass, PhD (Editorial Consultant at MPI-CBG)
Michele holds a Master's Degree in industrial biotechnology and a PhD in cardiovascular development. After working as a Scientific Editor at Nature Communications and as the clinical community leader across Nature Journals, Michele joined The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. In Dresden, he leverages his editorial perspective to support scientists through all the steps of the publication process. In addition to improving the presentation of manuscripts before submission, Michele is involved in the publication strategy, correspondence with editors, and in handling complex editorial cases, such as appeals. To support early career researchers, he has organized several workshops on writing and publishing.
Don't miss the opportunity and join!!
The organizing team.